Tuesday 26 July 2016

4 Ways to Relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can often be managed by dietary and lifestyle changes, but the nature of the conditions means that it is rarely talked about and people often suffer in silence. Furthermore, because IBS varies from person-to-person, there’s no one size fits all treatment, but there are steps you can take to ease the symptoms. Read the full article here...

5 Foods That Are Known to Ease Anxiety

The physical effects of food on our bodies are well documented, it’s hard to go a full day without a new study saying which food we should and shouldn’t be eating. But what is less reported on is the psychological effects of foods and today we explain how certain food can help ease anxiety. Read the full article here...

How Indoor Plant Can Benefit Your Wellbeing

Indoor plants may be your way of improving your home or office décor, but there are also a number of health benefits to keeping plants in the home and office. On today’s blog we explain some of these benefits. Read the full article here...

The Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha is a stone-ground powered green tea which has been consumed for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese tea ceremonies. According to the 8th century Zen priest Eisai, who introduced the tea to Japan, matcha is “the ultimate mental and medical remedy and has the ability to make one’s life more full and complete”. Read the full article here...

Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Surprising Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Most people will think of tea, coffee, orange juice or even cold water as their ideal morning drink, but many people don’t realise that they could be missing a trick by shunning warm water first thing in the morning. On today’s blog we highlight some of the health benefits of drinking hot water on an empty stomach. Read the full story here...

How Grounding Can Improve Your Wellbeing

“Grounding” or “earthing” refers to the principle of connecting with the Earth electronically by having direct contact with the ground you walk on. A growing body of research can point towards a number of positive health benefits to this. On today’s blog we explain what grounding is and how it can help. Read the full article here...

How to Make Mindfulness Part of Your De-Stressing Routine

More and more people are turning to mindfulness practice as a means to re-connect with themselves. In an age of smart phone and online connectivity almost everything we need is available at the touch of a button, meaning that it’s easy to become detached and allow your life to tick over. Read the full article here...

5 Korean Superfoods to Improve your Health and Wellbeing

Korean superfoods are known to have numerous health benefits and have been consumed for centuries as part of a balanced diet to maintain health and wellbeing. On today’s blog we take a look at five of Korea’s most popular superfoods. Read the full article here...

What is Loving-Kindness Meditation and How Can You Benefit?

Loving-kindness Meditation, also known as metta, is the practice of extending love and kindness to other people. It has no conditions; it does not depend on whether one “deserves” it or not; it is not restricted to friends and family; it extends out from personal categories to include all living beings. On today’s blog we explain how this form of meditation can benefit you in more than one aspect of your life. Read the full article here...

Feng Shui Home Décor on the Rise

Feng Shui is a philosophical system of harmonising your spiritual self with the surrounding environment. Such is the popularity of the ancient Chinese discipline that it is becoming a growing trend in home decorating. Read the full article here...